The Antigonight Art After Dark Festival Looks Forward to an Eleventh Year

The Antigonight Art After Dark festival is looking forward to its eleventh year despite challenges posed by COVID-19, and they’re looking for artists to help make it happen! 

For those who’ve visited the festival in the past, they’ll know it for it’s vibrant, colourful, and energetic takeover of the town’s streets, parking lots, and sidewalks—featuring dozens of different artists and performers in various genres. Typically centered in the connection and interaction between artists and members of the community, with last year’s attendance estimated at 3,000 people, this year’s festival may look a little bit different than what visitors are used to. Connecting with the arts, however, is more important than ever. Festival Director Emma MacDonald believes that “art is integral to who we are” and that even though we’re living through some fairly unprecedented times, there’s no better way to connect then through creativity.

Despite new regulations regarding social gatherings, MacDonald is excited about the possibilities that a socially-distanced event might allow, sharing that just because the festival might not look like what we’re used to “does not mean that it will be any less special.” She shared that “by creating an alternative festival plan we are not only supporting creative professionals in our community, but it may also be a bright spot for the community in the coming months.” A distanced festival also brings about new opportunities to engage community members who might live farther away. 

The festival organizing team is inviting artists, collectives, and community organizations to submit original project ideas that celebrate and consider ways that we can encounter art and be connected even if we cannot gather in-person. Previous projects have including music, dance performances, painting, sculpture, workshops, storytelling, and theatre. All submissions are welcome, whether digital or non-digital, and unconventional ideas are encouraged. The deadline for submissions is Friday, June 26 at midnight. The submission form and relevant instructions can be found here, on the Antigonish Culture Alive website.

 Successful submissions will be presented, performed, installed, or displayed during the Antigonight festival from September 1 to 12, 2020. Leading up to the festival, Antigonight will also be running several community projects, so keep an eye out for the announcements on any ACA or Antigonight social media!