hopes for the new year

what if children are just short people, whose opinions really matter

what if their dreams were realized, instead of being shattered


what if young trees are helped to flourish, old ones cherished for their wiseness

what if we enter every home, with good intent and kindness


what if we turn off all our faucets, for those who need a drink

what if each one of us were cautious, to reduce our carbon stink


what if sharks, snails, and elephants were all treated with respect

what if humanity was mostly good, and not always a threat


what if everywhere, everyone could grow old, roam, and live freely

what if we sought friendship in every person, regardless of their being


what if people from other places weren’t stuck with uneasy feelings

what if those who came before us were revered for their teachings 


what if we let people be people, regardless of the labels

what if we love our home and one another, without the need for tables


what if we share with others knowledge and hope that they may not have

what if in 2023 we come together,

I think that would be rad.