March Horoscopes


March 21-April 20th

This month, you are still in your yearly personal pleasure peak, showing a happy month ahead. After the 20th, you will enter an annual financial peak where earnings will be good. However, the solar eclipse has the potential to bring financial and personal drama into your life, so be mindful of the choices you make during this time.


April 21st-May 20th

You will have a happy month ahead! The solar eclipse this month marks changes that will impact how you present yourself. In other words, this month sparks opportunities that will allow you to redefine yourself. Additionally, there is potential for drama in romantic and platonic relationships during the eclipse.


May 21st-June 20th

With the solar eclipse this month, this month has the potential to be stressful with personal dramas in friendships and issues with technology. Additionally, students can experience changes or disruptions in their academic plans, but these changes can be good!


June 21st-July 20th

This month brings changes to your career and to those related to your career. With the solar eclipse, your finances will enter disruptions and you may need to make corrections to how you are spending your money. However, despite these disruptions, your career is going strong, and you are achieving success.


July 21st-August 21st

With the solar eclipse this month, there are disruptions to foreign travel and to those who are college-level students. This can lead to changes in travel and education plans, so be cautious if you are travelling this month. Furthermore, there will be positive changes in your career, removing any roadblocks as you enter your yearly career peak.


August 22nd-September 22nd

This month brings changes to educational plans, but positive changes. However, it is important to note that the solar eclipse will provoke changes in your income and the incomes of those around you. Overall, this month will be a month of change, but it is a chance to make new goals and pay attention to how you can adapt to these changes.


September 23rd-October 22nd

This month, relationships will be tested, proving the strengths and weaknesses in your current relationships. Furthermore, there are financial dramas in your life and the lives of those closest to you. Despite these changes, they are happening to make room for new opportunities and goals that will become important over the following months.


October 23rd-November 22nd

With the eclipse this month, there will be changes in your career or dramas in the lives of you and your co-workers. With these changes will also come dramas in your personal relationships. In other words, this month is a good time to make changes to yourself and how you present yourself to others.


November 23rd-December 20th

The solar eclipse this month will impact your career and provide opportunities for potential job changes. Additionally, there will be changes to your health routine and if you are a student, there are disruptions at school and in your education plans. However, these changes can be good!


December 21st-January 19th

This month is a good month to begin new projects or ventures. There will be shake-ups in your typical routine; however, these changes can be positive. As well, friends and family may experience personal dramas, so it is a good opportunity to prepare for change this month.


January 20th-February 18th

There are many opportunities for love this month; however, the solar eclipse will also test your current relationships. Furthermore, the eclipse will impact those who are students as they will be facing changes in education plans. Additionally, there will be dramas in the home and in the lives of the family members.


February 19th-March 20th

This month, you will experience a yearly financial peak! With the solar eclipse, there will need to be changes in your financial spending and planning. Those who are students may face disruptions in their educational plans. Furthermore, there may also be changes to your career or current workplace.

March 2023 Horoscopes


March 21-April 20th

This is a happy and eventful month ahead, with the potential for long-term changes happening! Overall, this month is your yearly personal pleasure peak, where love, money, creative and social opportunities are coming your way. Furthermore, there are many creative breakthroughs and possible supernatural experiences. This month also holds your independence peak, where any decisions you make should be made for you and not for others.



April 21st-May 20th

This month holds transformative opportunities for your career and work life. With these career changes also come changes in your social and love life. The month ahead is a social month, with opportunities to build friendships and networking opportunities in both your social circle and career circle.



May 21st-June 20th

This month is successful, the effort you have been putting into your work is finally paying off. Despite no major changes, this month is one of your strongest financial periods this year. Additionally, this month is social, with many opportunities to build on friendships and love.



June 21st-July 20th

March is a busy month! Despite this, any of the social or love-related stress you have been feeling will be reduced. This month is also your yearly career peak, with the possibility of promotions, pay increases or recognition for your hard work. Overall, this month proves to be successful in both your career and social life.



July 21st-August 21st

Your intuition is running high this month. Specifically, you make good, focused decisions regarding your finances–this will pay off! This month presents the possibility for changes in your finances and your social circle after Mercury’s solstice–there will be a pause and a shift.



August 22nd-September 22nd

This month holds many changes for you! Furthermore, this month is your yearly love and social peak, but it is important to focus on the quality rather than the number of people you let into your life this month. This month is important for personal transformation and for making progress in yourself and your social circle.



September 23rd-October 22nd

Many important events are happening this month. Specifically, concerning your family and career, there are changes. This month also holds your yearly love and social peak, having many opportunities–social and romantic. There will be new people, relationships and clarity in friendships and relationships this month.



October 23rd-November 22nd

This month will provide clarity. Any issues involving health and career will become more focused and clear, allowing you to clear up anything that needs to be resolved. There will be many networking opportunities for your career, and possible promotions and pay raises in the career.



November 23rd-December 20th

There will be many changes this month. Specifically, your health, family and love spheres will be of importance and need attention. After Mercury’s solstice, there will be a pause and a shift of direction in your life and career. For many of you, this month will be a personal pleasure peak!



December 21st-January 19th

This is an eventful month ahead! It is a great time to start any new projects or any tasks you have been putting off. For students, this month will bring success and enjoyment in your studies. Furthermore, there is an emphasis on the home and family life; however, there will be a success in your career of studies despite this focus on the family.



January 20th-February 18th

This month, any stress you have been feeling regarding money, health and energy will be improved. Furthermore, this month will bring about a personal transformation that will last for the next several years. Additionally, you are at a yearly financial peak, which brings strong finances and success for those who are students.



February 19th-March 20th

This month is eventful, as you are in a yearly personal pleasure peak and financial peak! Additionally, this is a good month for love. There are many romantic and financial opportunities for you this month. Overall, the month ahead is extremely prosperous.

Monthly Horoscopes: January 2023


March 21-April 20th

The month ahead is a happy month! From the retrograde, this month is a fast-paced, eventful month. This month is highly focused on your personal independence and is a good time to identify and plan your goals for the year.


April 21st-May 20th

This month, getting lots of rest is important as you are about to experience changes in your finances and career. In the month ahead you are bound for success in your education and employment.


May 21st-June 20th

This month your energy and health are good–it is a happy month ahead. However, there is a likelihood for moments of stress where your personal goals and judgments are not completely clear. This month, you are focused on your friendships rather than romantic relationships.


June 21st-July 20th

You are in your yearly social and love peak. You will have many opportunities for social experiences and bringing clarity to relationships. January also brings success in your career–there is a pause and then a change of direction. This change of direction is a good thing!


July 21st-August 21st

This month your focus is on others rather than yourself. This month also brings a yearly social and love peak where you are in control and taking action. This month will also bring clarity regarding finances and your career.


August 22nd-September 22nd

This is a good, happy, and creative month for you. In both your career and personal goals, there is some fogginess, however, it will take until the end of the month for you to gain clarity. In your family and domestic life, there will be a pause and then a sudden shift.


September 23rd-October 22nd

This month is highly focused on your emotional and domestic life. By the end of this month, you will gain clarity on these aspects. In regards to love, you are going outside of your normal boundaries with the potential to make powerful changes. You will have many social and romantic opportunities this month!


October 23rd-November 22nd

In your finances, there will be a pause and a change. This month is more focused on your love and social life rather than your career with many opportunities emerging. You have social confidence and progress in your friendships and relationships. Lastly, intellectual activities–such as one’s studies–will be at a peak this month.


November 23rd-December 20th

The month ahead is fun and entertaining–especially in your friendships and relationships. Singles will have many opportunities for romantic opportunities. This month is your yearly financial peak where any financial issues will gain clarity.


December 21st-January 19th

This month is a happy month. There will be many opportunities for social and romantic experiences. This month is also a period of high personal independence–now is the time to make changes and identify your personal goals! This month is also your yearly financial peak in planning and handling your money.


January 20th-February 18th

You are feeling energized and healthy this month. Overall, health is great. This month there are many romantic opportunities for singles. As well, this month you reach a personal pleasure peak where you will look and feel good!


February 19th-March 20th

Overall, this is a happy month. Although there are some stressful moments, you are going outside of your typical sphere–in a good way! This month is highly focused on friendships and your social life is happy and active.

November Horoscopes


March 21st-April 20th

This month there is less retrograde activity than the last, so projects that were put on pause will begin again. Life is busy, and you are outside of your comfort zone this month. Despite this, there are successes this month in your career and academics.


April 21st-May 20th

Things are progressing in your life after retrograde activity is greatly reduced this month. This is an eventful and joyful month ahead. This is a period for breakthroughs for students in their studies, they are likely to hear good news.


May 21st-June 20th

Your independence is not as strong as usual; however, positive outcomes from this month will come from others rather than yourself. This month also brings stability and improvement in love and finances. It is a good time to get rid of unnecessary things in your life in preparation for the new year.


June 21st-July 20th

This month planetary power is in the social house and is at its maximum all year. It is important to take care of others in order to bring good to yourself. There are many opportunities for singles to meet new people. In your career, you are outside of your typical realm, however, this month brings success.


July 21st-August 21st

This month brings creativity and joy. You are outside of your comfort zone in finance, religion and career. There is an opportunity for travel, however, delays are likely. This month provides many employment opportunities and it is a good time to get jobs you have been pushing off.


August 22nd-September 22nd

Home and family issues are prominent this month, so it is important to focus on your emotional well-being. You will most likely spend more time with the family and at home this month. The month ahead is creative and fun as the pace of life quickens, and you tend to go out of your normal boundaries.


September 23rd-October 22nd

As your love planet is still in retrograde, this month is valuable in making long-term decisions, specifically revolving around love. If you are a student, you are focused on your studies this month. It is a good time to read and study more as your intellectual faculties are stronger than usual.


October 23rd-November 22nd

Mars is in retrograde this month and you are outside of your typical routines regarding health, career and love. You will have job opportunities and are also at a yearly financial peak. Many goals are being achieved and students will succeed in their studies.


November 23rd-December 20th

This month you produce maximum personal independence and prioritize your happiness. There are many job, travel and romantic opportunities this month. You also are entering a yearly financial peak while going outside your boundaries in all aspects of your life.


December 21st-January 19th

This month holds many career opportunities. With these opportunities, there are earnings; however, delays are likely. As well, within the family and the home, there is happiness and excitement, with the possibility of movement from the home.


January 20th-February 18th

This month, someone in your social circle is acting out of their typical realmña trend with many of the planets this month. With this out-of-boundary change, life is moving fast, but you are going at your own pace. You have a happy month ahead, prioritizing yourself.


February 19th-March 20th

Career is a primary focus this month and you are progressing within your career. There is financial prosperity happening this month; however, it is much slower than usual. Your social life this month becomes very active, specifically after the 22nd.